UV BIOCLEAN’s UV-C solutions have well documented safety profiles for the disinfection of air when people are present in the room, and surfaces when the room is not occupied.

UV Bioclean’s UV-C solutions have well documented efficacy profiles for the disinfection of air in occupied rooms, and surfaces in unoccupied rooms.

UV BIOCLEAN offers volume discounts and affordable monthly financing options that further enhance the cost effectiveness of UV-C.
UV BIOCLEAN is dedicated to making shared indoor spaces cleaner and safer while increasing an organization’s ROI by substantially improving its competitive advantage.
UV Technology
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other institutions have confirmed the effectiveness of UV-C in reducing the number of infectious viral particles including Covid-19, caused by the coronavirus called SARS-CoV-21, in air and on surfaces.
- UV BIOCLEAN offers well-engineered solutions to safely disinfect air when people are present in the room and disinfect air and surfaces when the room is not occupied.
- UV BIOCLEAN uses Philips UV light bulbs in all of our products to maintain the highest quality standards.
- UV BIOCLEAN provides cost-effective certified solutions that increase safety and reduce the airborne risks for all spaces where people live and gather.